5 Things To Do Before Starting a Business

After college, I had a mind-blowing realization.

I couldn't live with the regret of spending my whole life working for someone else.

With my painstaking 9-5 doing grunt work for a company that had nothing to do with anything I was interested in...

I burnt out.

It was here that I had dreams of freedom, travel, being my own boss, not having to report to anyone.

So, I spent the short free time I had outside of work researching ways to make money online so I can:

  • Achieve freedom
  • Travel the world
  • Do enjoyable work
  • Live with meaning
  • Not waste my youth

It's been 3 years since then, and I've learned some things.

Things that I wish I knew and did way earlier, that are critical before becoming a full-on entrepreneur and starting your own business.

(I now work remotely in sales for an online biz, and am learning crucial skills of entrepreneurship, building my personal brand on the side, and traveling the world)

Life is good.

P.S. Give these a chance. They might just save you years of time on your entrepreneurship journey.

5 Things To Do Before Starting a Business

  1. Work on your mindset
  2. Get a job that teaches you entrepreneurial SKILLS
  3. Build a personal brand
  4. Find mentors
  5. Play the long game

Work on your mindset

Modern society wants to keep you weak.

Limiting beliefs are imposed on us throughout our lives that keep us primed to be working ants, and stay poor.

It's critical to become aware of them so that you can start living outside of the box that was created for us, and create the life that you want to live instead of following a script society laid out for us.

The #1 way to do this is through reading.

By reading books from credible people who live lives you want to live, you can digest YEARS of life experience & knowledge from someone else that can open your mind up to possibilities of what you can accomplish for yourself.

It was through reading that my ambition sparked to become an entrepreneur.

It was through reading that i found the courage to believe in myself and chase what I wanted.

It's through reading that I continue to develop expertise in areas of interest.

Good books for this:

  • Unscripted Mj Demarco
  • Millionaire Fastlane Mj Demarco
  • 4 hour work week Tim Ferris

Get a Job That Teaches You Entrepreneurial Skills

I failed many business attempts.

Clothing brand, e-commerce store, deodorant brand, digital art page, affiliate marketing, copywriting, self-improvement coach.

I jumped from thing to thing, with my eyes on making $10k a month as fast as possible.

But, I learned there's a smarter, better way to get what I wanted, faster.

That the freedom that I was after could be acquired, and the skills that I needed to be an entrepreneur could be learned before I dove head-first into creating a business.

That's why I got a job in remote sales.


  1. Sales skills are critical to any business
  2. I'm getting paid to master it for a business
  3. I can work virtually wherever I want (and when I want as long as I sell)

Build a Personal Brand

What is a personal brand?

Your digital footprint.

By documenting your life you can gain credibility in the areas that you specialize in, which means more people will listen to you, trust you, and buy from you.

In an entrepreneurship lens, documenting your life while you learn things can help slowly build the tool that will help you find clients for your business down the line.

Plus, it's just fun to post content, I enjoy it.

Find Mentors

Whether it's reading certain people's books in areas of life you want to master, watching certain content creators, or working directly with a mentor.

You can't do this alone.

You need someone to guide you.

We all need guidance.

My advice to you is:

  1. Find someone who is where you want to be
  2. Reverse engineer how they got there
  3. Follow a similar path to get where they are

Play the Long Game

In entrepreneurship, we can't rush things.

Especially if we're ambitious, young naive college grads like I was not too long ago.

We think we can make $10k a month in 30 days, go against the grain and expect things to work out by this Christmas.

But in truth, chasing fast cash will only lead you to methods of business that are unstable, or cause you to give up too soon.

Play the long game, move slow, and make the right moves for your future.

To your growth,


Chad's Hidden Notes

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