Why i'll never work in an office 9-5 again

Once I finished school and entered the real world, I knew I wanted to do something different.

But before I realized what that was, I tried out traditional jobs for a while.

I had actually worked remotely in the past, but not the type I'm going to explain here.

It was a job that required so much of my energy that it didn't feel like I had any freedom.

After that, I tried an office job because during those times, I was in such pain and feeling lost that I didn't know what to do.

I was so BORED.

Admin tasks, repetitive routines, and escaping my job on the weekend made me question if this was the path I would take until I was 60.

That's what led me to double down on chasing freedom.

I started somewhat naively trying to make money online—creating dropshipping/print on demand stores, selling digital products, and music, which made me some good money for a while.

But I didn't have a clear enough plan to escape.

I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, travel the world, etc., but I knew it was going to take time, and I needed a way out fast.

So, I became aware of the remote tech sales industry, and it all changed.

It made me realize:

  1. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world know sales.
  2. I can work remotely while mastering the skill of sales, giving myself more time and freedom to discover my entrepreneurial life and work on myself.

Thankfully, now I am doing better.

I am at one of the top competitive companies in the world, working remotely in tech, and traveling.

I've been traveling more—I went to Finland for the first time in Europe and to Boston a couple of weeks ago.

Last fall, I went to Las Vegas.

I get to work from my laptop and learn the best skills for a life of freedom and wealth, as I see it.

If you're wondering what remote tech sales is and how you can break into it, it's very simple.

Tech is a highly lucrative and fast-growing industry.

For entry-level roles with practically no experience, you can start making around $70-75k a year remotely from your laptop, which isn't bad.

Essentially, you sell software, which is what basically all businesses use to grow and function, and you get paid to learn a skill that directly translates to your entrepreneurial ventures.

Not to mention, you get to travel within reason as long as you get your work done right.

But the main reason why I will never go back is because of the free time, skill development, and ability to travel.

I have time to work on my business.

I don't have to commute every day or have someone look over my shoulder.

I have the freedom to rent an Airbnb in the Grand Canyon for a week or two, or even a month if I want, and work and experience life.

You can too.

P.S. If you want help breaking into remote sales, click this link to book a call with me to see if it's something for you.


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