You are not who you think you are, and I'll prove it to you

You are not who you think you are, and I'll prove it to you.

Do you know who you are?

When most people are asked that question, they say "oh well i'm Chad, or John, or Melissa"

But in reality that's just a name that you were given at birth, it has nothing to do with who you actually are.

The second thing you might say is, "well, I'm a human being"

That is also just a label to describe our body, our organism, which isn't who you are either, you are not your body, if you cut off your arm you would still be there...

We refer to things as "MY arm" or "MY leg" or "MY brain" but who is the ME we are referring to?

I figured out the truth about who we are when i was at the peak of my mental suffering a few years ago, overthinking, compulsive thoughts, irrational fears.

And in this short read I'm going to walk you through this same realization, and offer you a simple practice to help deepen your sense of peace and distance yourself from the negative compulsive thought patterns of the mind.

I must take you back a few years.

In college I didn't have the best mental health.

I suffered massively from overthinking, obsessive worrying, fear about the past and future events, and just couldn't get out of my head.

It was draining all my energy, stealing all the enjoyment out of my life. At times It was extremely hard to bear.

While mindlessly scrolling the internet one day I came across a book called the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

After picking up the book the words I read rattled me to my core with insights and a glimpse of freedom from my mental struggle.

In Chapter 1 titled “You are not your mind” - it explains how to free yourself from this trap of suffering and compulsive thinking, fear negativity that is caused with identification with the mind, and how to regain enlightenment of your true self.

One of the biggest delusions in life is the delusion that the majority of people identify with the mind, they quite literally think they are the mind, or their brain, and I did too.

Believing that you are the mind is a delusion - You are not your mind.

You don’t even control your thoughts. It's hard to grasp.

But just like dogs like to chew toys and bones, your mind likes to accomplish things, solve problems, and even creates problems when there are none in your immediate vicinity for long enough.

Enlightenment is connection to the true self, to dis-identify from a separate self or mind.

To realize your true nature as an in destructible, immeasurable awareness.

Separation of self and the world and seeing yourself as a separate being is an illusion caused by this lack of connection to your true self.

Identifying with the mind causes compulsive thought which ultimately separates you from your true self, your higher self, inner stillness and peace and this feeling of being at home.

The biggest test to prove this to you is to try and stop thinking altogether for a minute or so. You will notice that you cant do that for longer than a couple seconds before more thought comes in.

Another way is If you temporarily take your name, labels, religion, career, relationship roles and just layed them on down on the floor for a second, what would be left? Who would be the one doing that?

Now that we know a bit about who we truly are. How can we connect deeper to that?

How to free yourself from your compulsive mind - “Watching the thinker”

All you must do is listen to the voice in your head as often as you can.

Pay particular attention to any repetitive thought patterns, impartially, dont judge it as it will mean that the same voice has come in again through the back door.

You’ll soon realize: there is the voice, and here I am listening to it, watching it, this I AM realization isn’t a thought, its a feeling, it arises from beyond the mind.

As you practice this you open up a new dimension of consciousness, the thoughts lose power over you and subside because you aren't energizing the mind through identifying with it.

The more you do this the larger the gaps between your mind compulsively thinking and you being at blissful peace free from thought.

Your peace and stillness will deepen over time, and you find that there is higher intelligence from not thinking than from thinking.

You are in touch with infinite intelligence and creativity which often speaks to you without words or thoughts and instinctually guides you.

This state makes you more alert and awake and raises the vibrational frequency of the energy field that gives life to the physical body.

You will come to this realization, this enlightenment that you are not the mind or your thoughts, you are the witnesser of them, the observer, you are the awareness, this invisible, indestructible, blissful being.

You will grow in peace and true joy.

To your growth,


Chad's Hidden Notes

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