How to avoid getting nowhere in life

How to avoid getting nowhere in life

Imagine this-

It’s days before your first interview.

You’re overwhelmed with how many questions you need to prepare for to get that job that you want so you can make cash and not be broke.

Not knowing what curveballs will be thrown at you is causing your brain to be scattered trying to organize how you will answer these questions.

You know you need to spend time preparing, but you can’t seem to get started doing the actual work.

This was me back in August of last year - But I did this one thing that helped me actually make progress, and skyrocketed me into the sales role I’m in now.

Now I use it to make big overwhelming tasks seem small and easily manageable.

I call it the magnify method.

It’s something I discovered on my own that I haven’t seen anyone else talk about, and it’s quite simple.

Let’s jump back in -

Amidst this chaos, you’re scatterbrained, theres 50 questions on your Google document sheet of most popular sales questions you found on the internet.

Instead of jumping from each one and filling them out halfway, you narrow in on one at a time-

Focused in solely on that, like a magnifying glass.

You move on one by one, taking a bit longer on each but being confident in your answers.

You’re making progress.

Soon your page is filling up with completed answers to questions you need to be prepared for and you’re amazed at how much progress you’ve made.

Here’s the key - I realized this applies to many things in life, not just this.

-Focusing on enjoying family time and not worrying about work or anything outside of it.

-Jumping from business to business without focusing on one long enough to get it done.

-Jumping from task to task at work without following through fully with one.

Focusing on less = more done.

Get more done and make more out of the time that you have, and more out of the life you have.

"This is true of attention. Scatter it, and you get but ordinary results. But center it upon one thing, and you secure much better results." - The Power of Concentration

To your growth,


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